Our travel guides, travel tips, and articles for Mexico, written based on personal travel, research, and experience. We stayed in Mexico for a month recently, backpacking and slowly traveling from around the country. Our guides and articles are written for backpackers, flash packers, digital nomads, slow travelers, budget travelers, looking for travel across and around Mexico.

El Portal Maya monument in Playa Del Carmen Mexico

Essential Travel Tips and Things to Do in Playa del Carmen

Say hello to Playa del Carmen, Cancun’s trendy “European” step-sister. No longer a secret, this once tiny fishing town in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo on the Yucatan Peninsula…

Mexico City Skyline as seen from above, at night.

18 Awesome Things to Do in Mexico City

Planning a vacation to Mexico City? Not sure what activities and experiences to fill your itinerary with? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Mexico City provides a rich history, a…

best hostels in mexico city

The BEST Hostels in Mexico City

Searching for the best hostels in Mexico City? Not sure where to begin? Not all Mexico City hostels are created equal, so we’re here to help. Mexico City hasn’t always…

sunset in playa del carmen best hostels in playa del carmen mexico

The Best Hostels in Playa del Carmen Mexico

The Best Hostels in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Looking for the best hostels in Playa del Carmen? While the number of Playa del Carmen hostels is quite high, a lot…

The Exclusions of All-Inclusive Resorts

“Why are all-inclusive resorts bad?” people tend to ask me when I speak out against them. It’s a good question, and I’m glad it is being asked. Let’s look at…

San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico

There are moments in life that I feel like my mind is open and I understand with absolute clarity that I am connected to the universe and everything in it….