Travelling100 | January 27th, 2020 | 14 Comments

Day 5 – Peguera to Berga

Cami dels Bons Homes, Hiking in Spain Day 5

  • Starting Point: Peguera
  • Ending Point: Berga
  • Distance: 12 kilometers/ 7.5 miles
  • Altitude Gain/Loss (in meters): 800 ascent, 830 descent
  • Est. Time on Trail: 3 – 4 hours

The final day is much easier on the legs than the three previous days, and the altitude gain and loss is far more gentle, so you can take your time and enjoy your final hours on the trail.

You will walk through meadows, fields, forest, and will get a great view of Berga from the final point of the trek, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria de Queralt.

Once here congratulate yourself! You have hiked the Pyrenees and walked an amazing route through Catalonia, a trail that will almost certainly be far more popular one day than it is now.

The Hike – Peguera to Berga

Our last day on the Cami dels Bons Homes between Peguera and Berga, Spain

The last day of our hike was not nearly as challenging as the previous days and gave us a chance to fully appreciate our surroundings. Altitude gain and loss was far more gradual and we were able to stroll along at a leisurely pace, admiring our surroundings and reflecting on all we had seen on the Cami.

We walked through large meadows, forests, and fields, and once again experienced breathtaking views of Catalonian nature. The final view of Berga from the hillside perched Sanctuary of Queralt is the perfect way to end one’s time on the Cami dels Bons Homes, as it brought us back to the reality of modern civilization laying in a gorgeous valley. A perfect mix of past and present.

Before we began hiking the Cami we had a deep appreciation for the beauty of Catalonia. By the time we were done it is safe, and not at all hyperbolic, to state that we are in love. Catalonia has occupied a small section of our hearts in much the same way Andalucia did last year.

Wildflowers along the path between Peguera and Berga, Spain

There wasn’t a single day of the hike that we did not see beautiful wildflowers. This day’s hike, however, was special in the sense that we saw the most. We were constantly moving across and through scent-filled meadows with a vibrant array of pink, purple, yellow, blue, and white wildflowers sprouting up from lush green grass.

Sanctuary of Queralt

Legend has it many years ago a devout pastor was grazing his oxen in a field by the mountain peaks of Queralt when one of the animals left the heard and ran halfway up the cliff. The pastor followed him and found a small wooden carving of the Virgin Mary.

He put the carving in his bag and returned home. When he looked in the bag the carving was gone. He returned to the cliff the next day to find the carving in the same place. He once again stored it in his bag, only to find that the carving was gone when he returned home.

On the third day he returned to the same location on the cliff and found the carving. He took this as a sign that the Virgin wished to remain in that spot and decided a chapel would be built there.

The Renaissance style church that exists today was built in the 1800s. The location is called the Balcony of Catalunya because of the incredible views of the surrounding area that can be seen from there.

Where to Stay in Berga Spain

hotel berga park spain

This portion of the trail ends in the town of Berga. After our last day of hiking the Cami dels Bons Homes we decided to treat ourselves to a nice hotel room with comfy beds and a bathtub to relax in.

We stayed at the Hotel Berga Park, a excellently located hotel had super friendly staff, a nice modern look, and pretty much everything we needed on our last evening.

more info

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DISCLAIMER: The Cami dels Bons Homes Regulatory Counsel was kind enough to organize our five day hike, much of our transportation, accommodations, and meals. We are immensely grateful for their partnership. All thoughts and opinions are our own and formed without any prior agreement of a favorable review.

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14 thoughts on “Cami dels Bons Homes – 5 Day Pyrenees Hiking Adventure

  1. Great article!! I’m in Spain now, learning a lot about its history but unfortunately won’t be doing this hike this time around. But next time, for sure!!

    1. Thanks Goska! Where in Spain are you?
      I hope you do get to hike the Cami dels Bons Homes, it was one of the best experiences we’ve had in our last 16 months of travel!

  2. I’m so impressed that you did this hike and it looks as if you had fabulous weather. What a fascinating history. Did you see many other hikers on the trail?

    1. Hi Carol! Thank you! Yes, we got really lucky with the weather!

      We only saw one or two other hikers on the trail. It is an interesting experience because you are completely immersed in nature without another soul around for most of the time. It gave me the opportunity to do a lot of thinking and observing. Those five days were incredible.

  3. HI Randi! I just came across of your article. We are planning to do the hike early this June but were wondering if one needs to book all accommodations ahead of time. Also, does one need to be prepared to carry much food or are there reliable sources of food on the path? From your article, it seems so.

    1. Hi Tanya, I’m really happy you are doing this hike. It is an amazing experience and can’t wait to hear what you think about it.

      Regarding accommodations, I’d suggest that you book in advance. There are a few days that are strenuous and looking for a hostel/hotel is probably the last thing you’ll want to do. Also, I’m not sure if you’re planning on following the exact route we did, but if you book in advance you can get advice from each hostel/hotel to better map out your route. Additionally, you can reach out to the Cami dels Bons Homes Regulatory Counsel for guidance. They are very helpful! Let them know we recommended them.

      As for food, I didn’t bring a thing with me before arriving. The Regulatory Counsel was amazing at communicating with each of the hotels/hostels to accommodate my dietary requirements, and there was always something for Michael to eat. Each day the hotel/hostel we were staying at packed a lunch for us, and we ate breakfast/dinner on-site. Once you’re on the trail each day, there are very few places, if any on some sections, to get food. So, you do need to bring lunch/snacks each day.

      I hope that helps, feel free to send more questions over and have an amazing time.

      1. Dear Randi, thank you so much for your extremely helpful response! It looks like The Regulatory Counsel is a very helpful place indeed. We would like to use their services, but it appears they are only available in Spanish. Can we write to them in English? We speak French but not Spanish. And how do they work? If we give them our dates and itinerary, will they be able to help us with booking our accommodations? what other help were you able to get from them? Thank you for your help! Tanya

      2. Dear Randi, many thanks for your very helpful reply! Your pictures and description of the hike made us even more excited about the hike. If you don’t mind, I have a few more questions. The Regulatory Counsel appears like a very helpful place indeed, but they appear to be in Spanish only. Is it possible to write to them in English? What kind of services/support do they provide? Can we give them our itinerary and ask their help with booking accommodations?

      3. Hi Tanya,

        We communicated with them in English. They are the same as a tourism board for the area. You can request information from them about the area and hiking. Regarding accommodations, they may be able to make suggestions on where to stay or you can see the individual articles (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) where we give details about where we stayed and booking links.

        I hope this info is helpful. All the best.

  4. Very good article indeed, both interesting and informative.

    We have a great range of holiday properties in Catalonia and many of our clients like to do walks in the hills and mountains (we even have a group of geologists coming out to survey some mountain areas this summer) so we can help anyone planning a trip wanting somewhere with a private pool to stay.

    All the best

    Peter Horrocks – Villas du Monde

  5. What a great hike and summary! I was wondering if you could let me know how you got yourselves to the starting town, Prullans. Did you rent a car and leave it there, and then get a ride back to it after the 5 days? I’ll be getting there from Barcelona so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    1. HI Sara, glad you enjoyed the summary. We arrived in Prullans by train from Barcelona. At the end of the hike we, in the last town, we too a bus back to BCN. When will you be going?

  6. Hi Randi! What a great read, really informative! I’m looking to do part of this at the end of May this year and was wondering if you could lend some answers on a few questions!
    – How scarce is the water out there? Were the natural water sources safe to fill up from if using a water purifier and if not, were there any water dispensers along the route besides the towns?
    – How successful would you say your experience was of resupplying in each town food wise? If you were to hike in the area again would you considering carrying your own food instead (freeze dried meals etc).
    – How were the mosquitos/bugs? Especially at night!
    – Were there any parts that proved surprisingly tricky for you? For instance, navigation (lack of signs/clear trail)/finding the trail to and from towns/getting to the trail from Barcelona/dealing with people in towns?

    Thanks in advance!

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