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RSS Channel: Comments on: 6 Incredible Countries You Need to Visit in 2023
Inspiring Informed Travel

By: Randi
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/top-travel-destinations/#comment-34170">Bryant</a>. It is a beautiful country! I'm sure you'll love it. :)

By: Bryant
I'm glad to see Montenegro on the list. I'm planning on going there next year. It looks beautiful.

By: Carl Wright
Thank you for sharing this. Each country has some amazing attractions to pull a person there. And did I hear the word chocolate??? It would be so cool to visit a country like Guatemala that produces it. :)

By: Julian
Inspiring list, a few of these countries are on our list and we just got the confirmation now! Montenegro looks amazing, for sure a destination to visit in summer time. Colombia - simply wow, a must-see for us, thanks for the inspiration!Great tips!

By: Tamason Gamble
We have yet to visit any of the places on your list but several are ones we have discussed wanting to visit to. Cambodia is extremely high up on the list, as is Montenegro and Prague - who knows perhaps we will finally visit one or two of these during 2017. It is also good to hear that Columbia isn't as bad as people make out. I can imagine many countries in that region are of higher risk than others but it shouldn't stop people from visiting - it just comes down to being sensible - things can happen in any country if you are irresponsible.

By: Aaron Radcliffe
This lists are always fun aren't they? Good looks on the "tourism boom" - especially on Columbia, which is getting muy caliente in the backpacker scene.

By: michel kobryner
Panama and Costa Rica in march 2017 ...For one month

By: jaka
montenegro best!