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RSS Channel: Comments on: Medellin – A Budget Travel Guide
Inspiring Informed Travel

By: Petr
Hi, yes, Ecobar renamed and it is a bit fancy pub definitely not with "Eco" feeling

By: Chris
3 years later, most of your info is still up-to-date! Eco Bar is now 37 Park, though. Thanks for sharing and helping us plan our Medellin trip.

By: Scott
We've been in Medellin for three weeks now living in Laureles. We are not backpackers but a family of four on sabbatical and definitely on a budget. We've been to El Poblado twice now and if we had chosen that area to live, we'd of blew our budget completely. If you want close to state side prices, no Spanish speaking , high end malls and boutiques, then by all means Poblado is the place for you. Yes there are a lot of hostels there but the money you save on lodging might well be surpassed by what you'll spend on everything else. If you want to see the COLOMBIAN city of Medellin, don't pick El Poblado.

By: Michael
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/medellin-on-a-budget/#comment-33569">Christy</a>. Hey Christy, Uber is usually a bit more expensive than local flag down cabs. Could be a safer option, but will definitely cost more. When are you headed to Colombia?

By: Christy
This is such a great guide! Thank you and glad to see the vegetarian/vegan food is decently priced! Is there a reason why you took taxis instead of Uber?

By: Avalon Fernandes
What a great and helpful post this is of Colombia. I was born in Medellin and adopted and I've never been back since. Next winter my family and husband finally will travel to Medellin. So this post is very helpful to me! I love your positive take on the city while you keep it real and still warn for possible dangers. We need more people to write about Colombia so more people can start seeing Colombia in a different light. Because even though it changed allot I know that in countries as the Netherlands (where I lived) they still only report negative things about Colombia and people are still scared to go there. So keep up the good work and when we visited Colombia I will write positive articles about it on my blog too. Greetings from a fellow traveler.

By: Randi
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/medellin-on-a-budget/#comment-33566">tony gibson</a>. Hey Tony, thanks for the comment and soooo sorry for the late reply. We had some issues getting notification of our comments. So, if you look at the starting price of Dorms and the Menul del Dia you can get an idea of how cheap it would be to eat and sleep in Medellin. Just pay attention to the current currency conversion rate as the dollar has gained a lot of strength recently and that could change. Also, staying in a dorm with a kitchen and cooking for yourself (and shopping at local markets) will help you live cheaply. Hope this helps. Randi

By: tony gibson
what a great website thank you so much for the info.I travel a great deal been going (10 yrs) now. My question is what is a good budget for a single guy in medellin? I'm not opposed to sleeping in cheap places or eating local establishments. Thank you

By: Michael
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/medellin-on-a-budget/#comment-33564">Tanya Harry</a>. It certainly has changed loads from what the locals and some expats told us. When will you go back Tanya?

By: Tanya Harry
Medellin has changed a lot. When I lived in El Poblado in 2002, there were very few places to stay and very limited food and dining options. I still loved it though. I can't wait to return there.