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RSS Channel: Comments on: Is Travel Insurance Worth It? Or is it a Waste of Money?
Inspiring Informed Travel

By: Millie Hue
It got me when you said that having a travel insurance will reimburse your expenses when you have experience and injury or natural disaster. With that in mind, I will be getting one since I am prone to sicknesses. One time, I was unable to go to work even if I was already dressed up because my ear had an unexpected infection. I don't want that to happen to me when I travel. http://agency.nationwide.com/roy-stouffer-in-carmichaels-pa

By: Harry S
I have also had friends who purchased travel insurance and had many problems in collecting any money from their policy. The rules to collect made it almost impossible to collect any money. This was a long time ago so maybe things are better now.

By: travelernevada
Thanks for enlightening me on good insurance for a great price!

By: Andthebee
So true. When I was younger I never wanted to pay the extra for travel insurance, but my father (smart man) always insisted I did. I understand now why, I've met quite a few people who have had bad experiences with getting injured without travel insurance. Life can be very unexpected.

By: Valerie Delano
Great article and very good advice/information. I've wondered sometime what ya'll would do if you didn't have insurance and am relieved to know that you do. Thanks for taking care of each other and love to my daughter Randi if it's Michael reading this.

By: norman
There are places where you actually need a travel insurrance. For example if you want to travel to Russia you won't be admited without one. Besides most credit cards will have one... so I dunno why bother not getting one in the first place. Guess this is an American Problem where ppl generally don't automatically get their insurances.

By: Annika
I'm guilty of not having a travel insurance. I think the time has come for me to get one to secure my life while I'm on a foreign land.

By: Michael
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/is-travel-insurance-necessary/#comment-33941">Michelle</a>. Great point Michelle!

By: Michelle
Working in a hospital, I see this all too often. A patient has a heart attack while in Puerto Rico and doesn't understand that, no, Medicare (or any other insurer) will not pay to fly you home, close to your family to be treated and recover. One patient was stuck in Arizona needing months of rehab and the family couldn't afford transport (easily $15,000-$20,000) to get him home. Add to that, his wife was unable to stay because she had to return to work. Trust me, serious health issue arise when you least expect it and you don't need the added worries that come by being far away from home.