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RSS Channel: Comments on: 10 Cheap or Free Things to Do in Taipei, Taiwan
Inspiring Informed Travel

By: Olive
Hello, thank you for this blog. It is the only blog about Taiwan that I read from beginning to end. Very informative :)

By: Gabriel
This is quite helpful since I am visiting Taipei for the very first time! Thank you!

By: Randi
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/cheap-free-things-to-do-in-taipei-taiwan/#comment-34176">Ayesha S</a>. Awesome! Hope you have a fantastic time! :)

By: Ayesha S
This was great! I leave for Taiwan in a few days and this just made me 10 0000 times more excited.

By: sharon
I agree with your thoughts on Beitou Hot Springs, it is very easy to get to and I have visited both times I have been to Taipei. The flower and jade market is another place that I returned to. The people of Taipei are so helpful and welcoming to outsiders, it makes for a overall feeling of security. I also enjoyed the gondola (not free, but great views of the city.

By: Amy
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/cheap-free-things-to-do-in-taipei-taiwan/#comment-34173">Scott Adlhoch</a>. i know only one place and other on like the museum and temple as well. Anyway thank u.

By: Scott Adlhoch
I just love your blog, before reading your blog, I know only one place to visit in Taiwan i.e. Taipei 101 (One of the world's tallest building) and some beautiful temples, but your article provides a huge information about Taiwan. Now I create my list to see the places to visit in Taipei. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information with us.

By: stephanie
I hope I can visit Taipai someday because it looks very cool with the nature and culture. x