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RSS Channel: Comments on: Visiting Cartagena Colombia on a Budget
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By: Thomas @ Tomplanmytrip
Hey, it's an excellent article, and I'm sure it's many hours of working. There are some new hostels and things to do now. I love hanging out on Trinidad square at night <3. It became such touristy city! I've written an article about Cartagena too. You can use it for making some updates if you want :) https://www.tomplanmytrip.com/step-by-step-guide-visit-cartagena-de-indias-48-hours/

By: david
Have travelled to Cartagena in the past.Should still look to rent private apartments,looking beyond airbnb.You may get lucky around laguito,spelling could be wrong there or bocagrande.Was a tourist area,but the apartments were nice,beach was there,safe

By: Lily Benavides
The South American cities are dirty and messy compared to which cities? In which continent? I find that statement quite offensive. I get confused by reading all the information you are giving out and at the same time you are saying that there is nothing to see or do. I've been in Cartagena and there are tons of things to do. Besides, I asked my son who was there last year, been an avid traveller as he is, and a mochilero, he finds these two statements totally wrong. Good thing is that other people didn't find them perturbing when thinking on traveling there. Perhaps it's just me because it hurts to hear bad things about your homeland. Unfortunately the comment referring to the police is true.

By: Lia @ Practical Wanderlust
This is a great post! We loved our 2 weeks in Cartagena. We stayed in Getsemani at first, but were actually able to find an affordable hostel in the historical walled city. The hostel is called Volunteer Hostel. It has a kitchen and 24/7 air conditioning, which was SO nice considering how hot it was! We wrote up a food guide to Cartagena too. I wonder if you guys ate at any of the same places we did? Check it out here: http://practicalwanderlust.com/2016/07/what-and-where-to-eat-in-cartagena-colombia.html

By: Rashmi Gopal Rao
Looks so colorful; great post:) Thanks for sharing!

By: FabioRosado
The pictures on your post look stunning! Really made me want to pack and go to colombia today! Thank you for the great guide on how to save some money while visiting Cartagena, I'm going to bookmark it for later so when I finally manage to go and see that part of the world I can re-read it :D

By: Shaco
I didn't know Colombia is such a beautiful country.

By: Tracie
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/cartagena-colombia-on-a-budget/#comment-34220">CJB</a>. Did you end up going? I just planned my trip for the end of August and I'm SO excited!

By: Safari Junkie
Great post. I remember when i was there, with no booking, i had to stay in a family run hostel, for 45 000 per night, the place was swarmed with cockroaches. Hope the city is cleaner now days.

By: Michael
In reply to <a href="https://www.justapack.com/cartagena-colombia-on-a-budget/#comment-34220">CJB</a>. Well, hot water will be pretty hit or miss. It really depends on where you stay, to be honest. Research your hotel thoroughly to make sure. Most budget hotels/hostels will likely not have much, if any, hot water.